When a veteran receives a disability claim rating decision from the VA a rating codesheet is also created for that decision. A VA disability claim rating codesheet provides information on a number of important matters to a claim. A VA rating codesheet includes the following information:
· The name of the attorney, claims agent or representative on file with the VA, if any
· The VA file number
· The date of military service on file with the VA
· The diagnostic code used to assign the disability rating for each service-connected condition
· What claimed conditions are service-connected and what claimed conditions were denied service connection. The rating code sheet will list the name of every medical condition that is service-connected.
· A list of the disability rating percentage for each service-connected condition
· Information about the effective date of both past and current individual and combined ratings
· A list of all conditions which a veteran may be receiving non-service connected pension and the associated rating for each of those conditions
· Any entitlements to special monthly compensation or use of the bilateral factor
· A list of prior claims that were denied
· Whether a future re-examination will be required and the date of that exam.
The rating codesheet is essentially a “coded” version of your rating decision. You may request a copy of the codesheet through your representative or by personally going to your assigned regional office to request a copy. You may also request a copy in writing under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552(a)).